Hello, Goodbye

Well it’s official…I said goodbye to my lovely class from 2014-2015 and met my new students!

I will miss my students from 2014-2015, but I cannot wait to see all the great things they do in 4th grade.

Incoming third graders, I really enjoyed meeting you today! Don’t forget to give your parents their homework and bring it to me tomorrow (Friday) if you can!

The Gettysburg Address

To celebrate Abraham Lincoln’s birthday, Black History month, and also tie into our Biography unit (we have 2 baskets of bios on activists & leaders) we are studying the Gettysburg Address for Shared Reading. Here is a video of the speech set to animation, the kids watched it today and really liked it.

<p><a href=”http://vimeo.com/15402603″>Gettysburg Address</a> from <a href=”http://vimeo.com/adamgault”>Adam Gault Studio</a> on <a href=”https://vimeo.com”>Vimeo</a&gt;.</p>